New blog, who dis?

In the past, I've used 3 different blogging platforms (my own static one, Blogger, and Wordpress). Apart from that, I have posted on different blogs as an author as well.

It's a lot of fragmentation.

But now that I have found ghost, I think I am going to stick to it.

For archival purposes, here are links to all my posts in reverse chronological order - note that some of them are hosted on other platforms and thou shall be redirected.

  1. Smart Home Skills: Linking Lambda functions

  2. Smart Home Skills: OAuth for signing in

  3. Getting Started with Alexa Voice Service

  4. My fitness apps think I am cycling (I’m not)

  5. Pune's growth in numbers (1981–2011)

  6. Standardisation for micro-controllers

  7. Pune- The People

  8. Personal IoT

  9. End Effectors & Capes : Extensible hardware

  10. Ideas for an open source arm

  11. Setup Jenkins and Gradle for Android

  12. KiCad on Mac OS X 10.10

  13. Piano Stairs

  14. Post Tah

  15. Building the Shapeoko 2

  16. Booting up a BeagleBone Black

  17. Autopilot on Linux, from a device tree point of view

  18. Setting up BBB for ArduPilot

  19. Connecting the Beaglebone Black to an Android device

  20. Arch Linux on a RPi - setting up, git, torrent and media server

  21. GSoC '13 at

  22. Week 11 and 12: Liquidcrystal, revisiting time and wiki update

  23. Week 10: Dabbling with steppers and servos, timing signals and interrupts

  24. Week 9: Progress with spi

  25. Week 8: Adding non-core libs, spi and review of objectives

  26. Week 6 and 7: Connectivity issues, cleanup(kernel style) and millis/micros

  27. Week 5: Video (finally), wiki and more functions

  28. Getting started with the BeagleBone Black

  29. Week 4: More bacon, pwm and 7-segment

  30. Week 3: Cleanup and bacon board demos

  31. Week 2: Bricked laptop, testing functions and a little local community building

  32. Week1: Sysfs entries and shell scripting

  33. Userspace libraries for the Beaglebone black

  34. GSoC '13 at Beagle

  35. GSoC '13

  36. HOWTO make a binary-clock using Arduino